Saturday, November 5, 2011

Again...Need Luck

Not sure how many times I have been meeting the clients... But one that for sure is i am going to meet the potential clients again... this afternoon. Will this time I have the luck to get the contract on? I think I just feel weak to gain the contract, always in my mind is - will i so lucky this time? Sometimes, I just feel that it is so helpless to get the contract, as this is nothing about putting effort, and more on if you are getting the right clients that fullfilled the requirements. It is either an bad quality or demanding or lacking luck that i was encountering for past few months...Somehow I started to question myself, am i too picky? My friend told me - you are too into details, and picking on people's occupation. Indeed, I am! But, i guess i just come from a win-win solution for all to avoid unexpected outcome at last. It is either start and end with good contract, or void it from the begining. I believe this will bring goodness of both parties. At least save the fighthing and paper works ...

Hope what i am heading is the right direction... amithbha...