Saturday, August 16, 2008


It takes me very long to reach Saturday. I was longing so much for Saturday this week. No date, no work, no outing, nothing... purely I am waiting for it! And, I do really hope nothing will fall in this Saturday. I need a rest! I need my own time and space to connect my body to my soul...

I need a relax Saturday to clear my mind, and to search my soul. I find out that I was busying for nothing this week. I just cant find myself in any room this week. I need my own time...

I will sleep as much as I can, sip my coffee or tea in the morning. Going out for good breakfast, cleaning house, and again take my sweet time to rest.

Do not ask why i am so tired, my eyes just couldnt open when my body touch the sofa. I was sleeping in the living room letting the olympic program on the tv... how could I? I was half way watching the woman double badminton final. But, the eyes just couldnt stand the mind tireness. And, they just close without my sense. Ouuchhhh... I am very sleepy!

I shall find my time to recharge myself... I guess this is the aging sign.

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