Sunday, November 17, 2013

Revamp to gain positive energy

So long has been impacting by negative energy. Come to today, suddenly I feel all the negative energies are not worth to make my life sad. As what all friends see me - I have a good family, loving hubby, happy baby, considerate in laws, and by all means parents and sister, supportive siblings (including in law siblings). Near to freedom financial status. Why shall I bother of the little friction that happens in job? Somehow, it is clear that it is not the truth that causing the friction. It is rather the perception of one person that making the chaos. Job is part of the life, and the current is just part of the job life. It always an opportunity to change. Although luck is not at my end, I will stay tune to consistently improve my self value. Opportunity is given to people that is well prepared and ready to accept. Yes, I fail here. But I will shine back here or somewhere else. I shall look at the happy and positive life of mine. And, yes whoever that hurts me just because he or she feels to penalize me for his or her own ego, please do so. By means, god will not always at your end to help you do bad things. Karma will find you one day for what you have built to hurt a mother, a wife, a dedicated employee. I will pray hard to get my new destination. For the day it comes I will say goodbye to you. And, it is rather of mix feeling shall we cross again to see how each other grows... For this, I promise myself to be considerate, self motivated, self improved and live happily. I shall see how you live with all the karma that you have built. Amithaba! Sadhu sadhu!

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