Saturday, October 4, 2008

Feeling of the day

I just back from a movie - mamma mia. I guess I make the right choice to watch this movie as it is very funny and touching. It was not a pleasant friday to me today. I was low esteem due to some conversation that I had in the afternoon. Anyhow, I decided to move on... Well, it is not a right timing to decide now, but I think I deserve a break for myself.

I am glad that I have a group of cheerful colleagues and friends. It does help to ensure life is always fun to go thru.

I was a bit blur today, and did wrongly on the database. It is a production database! DBA huh... it is really a big impact to the business, and DBA's reputation. It is like a doctor having wrong medicine to a patient. It is very awkful! In a split second, I was run into total tension mode. I do not want my reputation to be spoilt, and life of DBA being ruined. I was fortunate enough that the database is being rescue without any impact to the business. My learning and skillset still able to cover my own mistaken... Lucky! God Bless huh!

Gal! Cheer up! You know your problem! Cheer up! Cheer up! Do not let it beat you down! Life is not just about that, it is more to go!

Life is about how you spice it up! Experience the journey, bitter, sweet and sour will be left aside when you reach the destiny that you dream of...You need to believe what you dream of will come thru one day... Stand still for the coming day.. You just need to believe it!

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