Friday, July 18, 2008

Raw Juice Treatment

Lately, I am back to the raw juice intake. It shall be my dinner substitude whenever there is no special occasion.

To those that not sure if the raw juice intake can help to improve or maintain a healthy body, I would suggest you to try it alternate days. You shall see the before and after effects after 3-4 weeks.

I used to have eczema 2 years back. It is a non cure-able disease that can not be explained by the current medical research. Some say eczema is a hereditary disease, and some say it is due to allergen, environment, food, and etc. However, here I am not trying to get the medical fact to proof how eczema is being evolved. Instead, I am trying to share my knowledge and experience on the raw juice therapy. It is a personal experience which showcase myself recovering from ezcema - at least the skin inflammation does not flare out anymore, after taking the raw juice for 2-3 months.

Personally, I have tried the recipes below and the ezcema just goes away...
  • Bitter courd, celery, green pepper, green apple, cucumber
  • Beet root, carrot, green apple, celery

Schedule that I have followed:

1st month: alternate the juices daily.
2nd month: alternate the juices every 2 days.
3rd -6th month: alternate the juices weekly.

Please take note that, only have the fruits or vegetables cut when you are going to juice and drink it within 6 hours.

For those who wish to give a try, you may refer to the website It has the combination fruits and vegetables juices for different diseases.

Hope that the sharing gives you the light of dawn to cure the unexplained able disease.....

1 comment:

B said...

ehhh...... granmmar mistake "unexplained able disease.....".

Techer Cindy, what shud be the correct word? =)